(Italiano) Corso di arrampicata su roccia base autunnale


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Facile gita di scialpinismo in un ambiente fiabesco con partenza da Borgata Lausetto, poco sopra Acceglio.


I suoi 1030 metri di dislivello senza grosse difficoltà si superano facilmente passando da una grangia all’altra, in un paesaggio ondeggiato da mille dossi bellissimi da sciare.


La cima del monte Ciarmetta con i suoi 2540 offre un panorama ineguagliabile

(Italiano) Discesa del Toula e della Vallée Blanche fuoripista

A little reminder of what is need for glacier skiing, (and this includes the Vallee Blanche!): – Helmet – Harness with an extender complete with screw gate (safety) karabiner. – 2 x 120 cm slings + 4 karabiners, 2 of which should be screw gates. – 1 prussik device (or prussik sling) – 1 self blocking pulley device – 2 ice screws – A 40m rope minimum for 2 people. – 6m of thin rope – Ice axe and crampons – Avalanche transceiver – shovel – probe . The above equipment is not an “anti-crevasse kit” but the minimum requirement for safe glacier travel, where there is always the possibility of someone falling into a crevasse. Regular training in glacier travel, belaying and rescue technique will greatly help in the event of a problem. Please do not wait until it is too late!